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About ADS

2023-03-02 08:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ADS is the UK trade association advancing leadership in aerospace, security, defence and space, to enable prosperity and clean, secure growth for our nation.

Whether representing industry, connecting our members with business opportunities or driving forward innovation and growth, ADS is at the forefront of an array of activities, events and programmes that benefit our members.

ADS’s 1200+ members are the custodians of a world-leading advanced engineering and services workforce.

Our aims are to expand this unique workforce capability and national advantage by delivering sector investment and knowledge to the frontiers of advanced manufacturing. ADS promotes its members in lifting the limits to a new future built on clean growth, sovereign capabilities for peace, and opening space to all.

Collectively ADS will lead our sectors to remove the barriers to the UK expansion of our workforce as a route to economic rebalancing and productivity gains, helping make the advanced economy fairer and stronger. It will achieve this by bringing together local policy leaders around detailed plans to expand engineering jobs into new communities, bringing in real, quality jobs and purposeful, proud careers.

Farnborough International Limited (FIL), which runs the Farnborough International Airshow, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ADS Group Ltd.

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